Monday, May 17, 2010

The Ladies Rock Against Millis

The lady lancers ended the season dual meet with quite a punch. They beat the Millis girls with a score of 109 to 26. There were a total of 14 first place finishes! This meet also provided the opportunity for points to be earned all around from sprints, distance, to the field. All of the hard work done throughout the season truly paid off in this meet! Nice finish ladies!

Top Place Finishers:
Ethier - 1st 400H, 1st 100H, 3rd TJ
Lynch - 3rd 400H, 2nd 100H, 3rd LJ
Williams - 1st 100, 1st LJ, 4x100
Allard - 2nd 100, 4x100
Linfield - 1st mile
Callahan - 2nd mile
B. Alioto - 3rd mile
Allen - 1st 200, 1st 400, 2nd LJ
Anderson - 2nd 400, 4x400
Sargent - 3rd 400, tie 1st HJ, 4x400
A. Alioto - 2nd 800, 4x400
Sullivan - 3rd 800
Sharpe - 2nd 200, 4x100
Wry - tie 1st HJ
Wasylow - 3rd HJ
Hastings - 1st SP, 1st Discus
Arcaro - 2nd SP
Tenglin - 2nd Javelin, 2nd Discus
Ledbetter - 1st 2mile
Gesualdo - 3rd Discus
Baird - 2nd TJ, 4x400
Schleicher - 4x100

Spot Light Athlete:
Caroline Allen gets the attention for this meet due to her 14' 1" jump in the long jump. She has been consistently jumping in the 12 foot range so this jump was her top performance in her field event career. Nice job on a great jump and earning a total of 13 points this meet!

~ Girl Coach

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